Become a better diver!

A good dive demands a high level of explosivity, good control and correct technique. It is a good idea to warm up properly, to prepare the body both physically and mentally. Along with proper load management, injury prevention exercises will reduce the risk of injury.


Th well-rounded diver

To become a well-rounded diver, you need good coordination, agility, core strength and good technique. Versatility is important in your training, and a diver often incorporates elements from gymnastics, climbing, ballet, and strength training.

The pace is high

Divers reach an acceleration of about 55 km per hour when they dive – which is faster than Usain Bolt’s maximum speed!


  • Level 1

    8 exercises get pdf

    The program consists of 3 levels of progression. When you master these exercises, you can move on to the next level.

  • Level 2

    10 exercises get pdf

    The program consists of 3 levels of progression. When you master the exercises on the 1st and 2nd level, you can move on to the 3rd level.

  • Level 3

    11 exercises get pdf

    The program consists of 3 levels of progression. When you master the program on all 3 levels, it is important to continue doing them regularly to maintain their effect.

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