Do you know the most common injuries in disc sport?
Due to the repetative movement of throwing, the athletes in flying disc games often experience pain and wear in the shoulder and elbow joints.

The most common flying disc sports are disc golf – which is similar to normal golf, and ultimate frisbee – a team sport. Ultimate frisbee is physically challenging and puts great demands on an athlete’s strength, speed, agility and tactical skills.
The type of injury will largely depend on the type of game being played, the floor and the throwing technique. Among the most common injuries we often find ligature and muscle strains, as well as shoulder and elbow strains. The lower parts of the body are particularly prone to injury when playing ultimate frisbee due to frequent dashes, fast paced changes in directions and landings.
Flying disc games are growing quickly in Norway and it is important to remember to develop the basic fitness level outside of the game. Through regular physical exercise an athlete may prevent injuries and further develop their technique to become a better player.
Here you will find an overview of the most common injuries in flying disc games:
- Ankle sprain
- Knee injury – ligament injuries
- Elbow pain
- Strain injuries in the shoulders, groin and hamstring
- Back pain
- Achilles tendinopathy and Achilles tendon rupture